These Grilled Bell Peppers are the perfect veggies for your next bbq & so easy to make. Just cut up the peppers, cover with oil & season with salt, then cook on the grill to perfection. Eat them on a salad, in a sandwich, or with slices of steak.


– 4 bell peppers (any color) – 1 tablespoon oil (avocado or olive) – 1 tsp kosher salt

Use a sharp knife to remove the stem and top of the bell peppers. Take out the seeds as well.

Cut each pepper in half (from top to bottom) and remove any remaining seeds or white pieces (the pith).

Pour the oil and kosher salt over the peppers then rub it in with your hands, making sure each pepper is fully coated.

Preheat the grill to 400F then place the peppers on the grill. Close the lid and cook for 4 minutes, until they start to char (have black spots).

Flip each pepper over and cook another 2-4 minutes with the lid closed. The peppers should be cooked through but not flimsy.

Remove them from the grill and serve immediately!

How do you cut bell peppers for the grill?

Cut them in half from top to bottom. This way they are too big to fall through the grill grates.